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How To Treat Foot Odour

How To Treat Foot Odour

How to Treat Foot Odour

Nobody wants to be known as the one with the smelly feet! Staying in for a movie night, shoe shopping with friends or even a night out bowling can become embarrassing and unpleasant for you to enjoy due to that smell! But this isn’t something that you need to worry about, there are lots of ways to manage and treat foot odour.

How to Prevent Foot Odour

Personal hygiene is a big one – washing and thoroughly drying your feet daily will help keep them fresh. It is also very important to wear the right sort of socks, ideally wool or cotton as they will let your feet breath but be sure to avoid nylon as it can trap the moisture around your feet. You should also make sure to change your socks at least daily if not, twice a day. Putting on dirty socks for the second day running is essentially going to reheat that sweat, leading to a foul smell.

A great tip for thoroughly washing your socks is to turn them inside out before you put them in the washer, this way, all the dead flakes of skin have more chance of being washed off. As well as socks, wearing the right shoes is an important part of keeping your feet smelling fresh! If possible, you should wear leather or canvas shoes, again, to let your feet breath and try to rotate your shoes daily allowing them 24 hours after wear to dry out. Another great way to avoid smelly feet in the first place is to use Scholl’s Fresh Step Shoe Spray. It works like a normal deodorant except you spray it in your shoes before and after use. It eliminates odour, boasting fresh, odour protection for 24 hours. It is suitable for all footwear.
